Drive outstanding business performance with our
all-in-one platform.

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RiskValue® creates and maintains agility that helps you respond rapidly to shifts in business goals, while ensuring clear and rigorous management processes.

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Drive outstanding business performance with our all in one platform.

RiskValue® creates and maintains agility that helps you respond rapidly to shifts in business goals, while ensuring clear and rigorous management processes.

This is what RiskValue offers. It’s more than just software; it’s a comprehensive solution for your back, middle and front-office operations, financial risk management, compliance requirements, and regulatory reporting. With an extensive financial instruments and investment components coverage, real-time portfolio valuations, and parametrization capabilities, you’re always ahead of the game. Its theoretical pricing engine and risk measurement services are not just accurate, they’re consistent. RiskValue isn’t just flexible; it’s designed to evolve with your needs, catering to every sector of the financial industry. Welcome to a new era of investment management. Welcome to RiskValue®.



A Comprehensive Solution for Fund Management, Fund Administration, Wealth Management and Broker – Dealers.

  • 360 Overviews

Oversee internal management processes and streamline the communication with external counterparties.

  •  Efficiency and Error Reduction

Streamlining operations to manage more funds effectively.

  •  Ensured Investors’ Protection

Guaranteeing that investors’ interests are safe through effective measures and policies.

  •  Improved Reporting

Enhanced reporting capabilities for better decision-making and regulatory compliance.

  • Stronger Market Positioning

Strengthening the fund managers’ market position through better portfolio management and compliance adherence.

  • Integrated Solution

Offering a comprehensive platform that integrates fund accounting, investor registry, KYC/AML compliance, regulatory reporting, and financial instruments valuation, thereby reducing the need for multiple separate systems.

  • Operational Efficiency

Streamlining daily operations and NAV calculations through automation to reduce errors and save time.

  • Centralized Data

Centralizes data, making it accessible to all relevant stakeholders and facilitating collaboration.

  • Investor Engagement

Improving investor communication by providing clear and transparent performance data and transactions reporting.

  • Cost-Effectiveness

Delivering competitive pricing for superior functionality, ensuring better value for money compared to competitors.

  • Reduced Operational Errors
Ensuring fewer mistakes in day-to-day operations through a robust and reliable system.
  • Customization and Extra Functionalities
Tailoring the platform to specific needs and requirements, enhancing its utility.
  • Post-Trade Challenge Resolution
Addressing issues such as consolidation, vital for wealth managers of all sizes.
  • Integrated Risk and Performance Analysis
Offering a combined view of risk and performance, acknowledging their different dynamics but treating them as interrelated components.
  • Comprehensive Solution Suite
Provides an all-in-one solution encompassing Operations, Automation, Consolidation, Performance Analytics, and Compliance.
  • Coverage of daily needs
Coverage of the daily needs of back-officers, portfolio managers and relationship managers.
  • Real-time processing of transactions:

Ensuring timely updates and accuracy on transactions settlement, enhanced compliance, and improved client experience.

  • All-in-one transactions clearing and settlement solution:

Support of plain vanilla spot and derivative instruments, OTC transactions and exotics.

  • Centralized data management:

Supporting regulatory compliance and reporting.

  • Minimized manual intervention:

Automation minimizes human errors in data entry and processing, enhancing the accuracy of records and reports.

  • Seamless parallel integration with trading venues, CCPs, Prime Brokers and market data vendors:

Automated reconciliation and exception management.


Simplified Administration and Enhanced Security

This architecture ensures easy-to-use, hassle-free administration combined with centralized security and audit management. This integration simplifies operational processes and enhances overall system security.

Efficient and Powerful Reporting

The use of a single database for all data ensures a powerful reporting mechanism. This consolidation allows for more accurate, real-time reporting and analytics, streamlining decision-making processes.


Lower licensing costs for additional functionality and the elimination of the need for costly interfaces between different systems result in significant financial savings. This aspect makes the platform more accessible and reduces overall operational costs.

Future-Proof Technology

The backwards compatibility of future releases ensures that the system remains up-to-date without the need for extensive overhauls or reconfigurations. This feature protects your investment and ensures long-term utility of the platform.

Digital Transformation

Guides an organization on its digital transformation journey by implementing sophisticated digital workflows and promoting collaborative processes, that secure a competitive edge in the dynamic digital arena.


How RiskValue Drives Business Success

Ready to see our solutions in action?

Book a 20-minute call with our team and explore how we can tailor our offerings to meet your unique needs. Dive deeper into the features and benefits that will drive your success. Let’s start a conversation that could transform your business.


Your Guide to RiskValue

One of the main advantages of RiskValue™ is the capability to “contact” with any other third-party system. From Brokers, Banks and Custodians to company’s Accounting, ERP, CRM or any other internal system, RiskValue™ is always ready to “receive” data or feed the other side with anything that is saved within its database. There is an extensive list of connected systems, but even if RiskValue™ is not connected to any of the other systems you are using, be aware that during each implementation our goal is to automate all the inter-connections that you wish to have with any other source.

Below you can find an indicative list of counterparty types that RiskValue™ is interfaced with for import data, export data, synchronization or reconciliation purposes:

  • Market Data Vendors
  • Accounting, ERP and CRM systems
  • Prime Brokers & Trading Platforms
  • Custody Banks & Depositaries
  • CCPs & Trading Venues
  • Funds distribution platforms
  • Central banks, Capital Markets Committees
  • Sanction lists & AML databases.

RiskValue™ platform is an integrated cross-asset and customer-oriented modular system for the financial services industry, covering the complete needs of investment management operations and financial risk management function. However, since a company may want part of all these functionalities, we have split our functionality into some core modules and some related add-on modules. Thus, based on its needs, a company may start with the desired core modules and later can easily move to any other core and/or add-on module. No new installation will be needed when someone adds new functionality within RiskValue™; just a parameterization/configuration of the system. As far as pricing, each module (core or add-on) has its own license price, and a company is charged based on the modules that they are using.

RiskValue™ can natively support a broad range of financial instruments in banking and investment management. Its architecture ensures adequate flexibility, enabling system users to cover every product feature, complex cash-flow schedules, valuation needs, price updates and validation rules. Its architecture supports natively all attributes and specifications for each instrument, maintaining a database of global market reference data and giving the capability to calculate various analytics per case. Financial instruments may be assigned to hierarchical and flexible user-defined product groups (i.e. asset classes, sectors, etc.). Each security may be assigned to one or more product group structures, which are subsequently used as basis for grouping/aggregation purposes and decomposition analysis. Furthermore, users have the capability to define any custom field they wish or even attach documents related to each instrument.

An indicative list of financial instruments covered by RiskValue™ can be found below:

  • Exchange-Traded products
    • Equities, Bonds, ETFs, Fund of Funds
    • Plain Vanilla derivatives on Equities, Bonds, FX, Indices, & Commodities
  • OTC transactions
    • Time Deposits, Loans, Security Lending and Repos
    • FX spot, FX Forwards, FRAs
    • CFDs
    • Interest Rate Swaps, Cross Currency Swaps, FX Swaps
    • Swaptions
    • Caps/Floors
    • CDSs
    • Dual Currency Instruments
    • Binary/Barrier Options
    • Guarantees, Reinsurance
  • Alternative products
    • Real Estate
    • Private Equity
    • Commodities & Precious Metals
    • Structured Products
    • P2P lending
    • Private Debt
    •  Cryptos
    • Vessels/Vehicles

Our experience has shown that no two client firms are identical. We are thus prepared to adapt our systems in different environments from small to large, from straightforward to complex as required.

This also applies to the way we run our implementation projects. The exact scope of both the system and the implementation project is specified as much as possible at the beginning of the implementation phase, and thereafter adapted as required.

Although RiskValue™ is an integrated platform and not developed based on each of our client’s specifications, it is designed in a way that can be parameterized based on each company’s needs. During the implementation phase, our team contacts clients and discusses its business and needs that should be covered. Then, our team configures RiskValue™ to deliver a system based on client’s desires.

More specifically, there is capability to customize the way you structure the Portfolios and even build custom hierarchical structures, as well as differentiate data needed for any Entity (Client, Counterparty, Legal Entities, Physical Persons, Portfolios, Funds etc.) based on the relationship of the company with that Entity.

Furthermore, the system can be parameterized to create custom workflows for various processes (e.g. onboarding of an Entity) and custom scoring algorithms, while custom validation or blocking rules can be applied to many areas (e.g. Entities, Transactions, Orders etc.).

Even the available values for dropdown lists can be parameterized, while there is capability to create profiles with custom parameters per algorithm.

In terms of interaction with other systems, RiskValue™ is interfaced with a variety of systems (see FAQ above) and in each installation is configured to show the exact needs of the related client.

Last but not least, although RiskValue™ has a wide range of pre-defined reports, we always discuss with our clients their own reporting needs and either adapt their extra needs to existing reports or create their own customized reports.

Overall, RiskValue™ is an integrated cross-asset and customer-oriented modular system for the financial services industry, which can be customized and serve the specific needs of each company by simply configure it during the installation process.

RiskValue™ is a web platform that can be installed on:

a. client’s premises

b. client’s own cloud environment, or

c. Systemic’ s own cloud environment.

In case of cloud installation, RiskValue™ is compatible with almost all cloud providers and is compliant with security rules.

Leading the Future of
Financial Management

“At Systemic, we are immensely proud to introduce RiskValue as a key driver of business success. Our platform is meticulously designed to empower financial professionals, offering unparalleled support in investment and risk management. RiskValue stands as a testament to our commitment to innovation, efficiency, and client success. It’s not just a tool; it’s a strategic partner, transforming the landscape of financial management and setting new benchmarks for operational excellence. Join us in this journey towards redefining financial success with RiskValue.”

Aristides Protopapadakis
SYSTEMIC’s Founder and Managing Director

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